Death Paperwork and ?

Yeah there’s a little more to it then paperwork but it’s a great start

Hi there! My name is Jazmin Collier. I have a Gerontology degree from California State University of Sacramento, End of Life Certificate awarded by Teaching Transitions and a passion to help those who want to plan for death and the dying progress.


  • Essential end of life paperwork
  • What to do with body
  • Resource guide
  • What to do day of, days after, months to years
  • Fear of death talks
(In progress of more knowledge and certifications – more services to come)

Contact Information and Hours:

Email: Jazmin@diepaperwork

Monday – Friday 3pm-9pm

Saturday – Sunday 8am-5pm

(Hours subject to change)

If you have any questions feel free to email

Jazmin Collier – End of Life Specialist – California